Hello Everyone !
im faruk
Web Developer / Designer.

I enjoy web development because conceptualizing ideas in my mind and then bringing them to life is a fantastic feeling. I believe that deriving pleasure from the work itself is essential to being successful in any endeavor. Currently, I am working on and selling projects both to enhance my skills and to make money. I code both the front end and the back end, but I particularly enjoy front-end development.

"I will add a game soon."

My Past

I was Born in the Turkey and I'm 21 years old now. I have been interested in art, software and electronic devices since an early age. I've been making miniature sculptures before. Now I have transferred my artistic soul to software. I started software development on my own. First, I learned the C# language and created mini games, then I developed websites with ASP.NET CORE Now, I continue my journey with Visual Studio Code (VSC). I am trying to learn new technologies, and I am confident that one day I will be in a very good place.

My Goal

I am someone who loves innovation and development. I believe that mediocrity is boring, so I added a game I created to my personal website. My goal is to master new technologies and impress people with projects created in my own style. In this direction, I work hard every day, and I am confident that I will succeed. I think the key to success is to believe.

My Skills


I would say that it is the first and most obvious language that web developers learn. Html is the bones of the body. i have used almost all the features of html and I can say that it is a fun and tidy markup language.


CSS is the makeup of HTML. It shapes, colors, and organizes HTML. It is a style language that I greatly enjoy writing. I like to delve into the depths of CSS, and when I code, I feel like I'm painting.


JavaScript is a language on its own. I can describe it as an engine of a car because it makes the components of websites more lively and dynamic. It is essential for creating a modern website.

This is a software library that developers frequently use and provides incredible convenience. Thanks to Bootstrap, I coded this site quickly and easily.

What I Will Learn


React is a user interface library that is particularly popular in the development of modern single-page web applications. It is the library I most want to learn in my career. I will start training very soon...


Node.js is a runtime environment specifically used for developing server-side applications. It is a technology that I need to learn because I am interested in both the frontend and backend.


TypeScript is considered a superset of JavaScript. It has many advantages such as Type Safety, Object-Oriented Programming, Wide Ecosystem Support, Developer Tools Support. I want to learn it because of these advantages.


Unity 3D is a game engine and application development environment. I know the C# language, and I want to develop games with Unity as a fun way to improve my knowledge.


